about susan

Some background on my divorce

My son and daughter were 6 and 4 when I found out that my husband wanted out of our marriage.

It felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me. Everything I thought I knew about my future was gone. The pain of those first few weeks was almost unbearable…Later, after the reality of my situation settled in I knew I had to do something.

Several months before, (this was about fourteen years ago) I’d read about the law of attraction from the then popular book—The Secret.

I knew from the concepts in the book- (you attract how you feel) that I had to find a way to start feeling better. If not, I’d keep attracting more unhappiness.

So I decided to take a year to get happy. I had no idea if this would work- but I decided to put this law of attraction stuff to the test.

I took a deep dive into different law of attraction teachers reading everything I could find and listening to Abraham-Hicks CDs nonstop in my car.

My motto for that year was—this is about me getting happy. If it’s not fun, I’m not doing it.

I stopped doing things out of obligation. I focused on things that I enjoyed doing.

I applied different processes and techniques to all the things I was going through and I got clear about what I wanted for my future.

I started feeling better and better.

Friends and family were amazed at how well I was doing.

Looking back, it was such an uncertain time. I had no idea how I was going to turn things around. Something in me just trusted that if I could start feeling better and if I could imagine and practice the emotions of what I wanted—that things would work out. And it did. I have been happily remarried for almost 10 years.

Now I’m all about showing you how to do the same with your life.

No matter where you are in the divorce process or what your situation is—you can use these same principles to start feeling better and create the life you want.

I’ll show you how, step by step, piece by piece.

questions you may have…

  • Yes. I have my life coaching certification from The Foundation for Holistic Life Coaching. I have a degree in philosophy from The University of California, San Diego with minors in psychology and health management. I also have my yoga teachers certification. (Love yoga, found out I don’t love teaching it.) BK (before kids) I was in sales- telecommunications and then later pharmaceutical and surgical supplies and equipment.

  • Yes! You have to be able to laugh at things when you’re going through a divorce or you’ll loose your mind.

    Think of me as your non-judgy cheerleader. I’ve seen and heard it all. I believe we’re all just doing the best we can in any given moment. My goal is to help you figure out what makes your happy. What you want for your life.

    And then I give you the tools to attract and manifest it.

  • I’ve always loved reading self-help books but when I found the law of attraction teachings—my real understanding began. I love that the concept of the law of attraction is so simple, yet also complex. Understanding and deliberately applying it to your life and specific situation makes such a huge difference. It changed my life and I love teaching others how to use it to change their lives.

  • When I learned of Life Coaching I knew it was the perfect fit for me.

    I understand what it feels like to go through a divorce. But I also know it can be a turning point for a much better life. Not many people will tell you that. I got a lot of people feeling sorry for me—but not any that were positive.

    No one said—you’re going to figure this out and your life is going to be so much better for having gone through this.

    That’s why I’m here.

    Yes divorce is difficult, but it can be a step to a wonderful future. You’re not doomed forever. You’ll be back. Stronger than ever.

    I love writing my blog and working with my clients—and seeing their happiness return and the results that follow.

client testimonials